Monday, January 27, 2020

Causes and Effects of Debt and Recessions

Causes and Effects of Debt and Recessions The great Depression in parts of World As we mentioned before, the Great Depression mainly started in the United States, but the U.S. was not the only state that was affected by it. Other states around the world were also affected by the economic recession of 1930s. Herbert Hoover, the president of the United States during the years of the Great Depression, attempted to recover the country by establishing some internal and external policies. Hoover’s believe was that too much interference of the federal government would end America’s independence and self-determination. Hoover also created projects to increase the public works’ funding, but they only created jobs for a small part of the unemployed people. Then in October 1931, Hoover set up the National Credit Corporation (NCC) in an attempt to calm the money deficiency. However, this program failed because it didn’t satisfy the nation’s expectations. In 1932, Hoover was the one who requested that Congress set up the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) to make mortgages to businesses but in the end it didn’t succeed. In 1932, Congress passed the Emergency Relief and Construction Act to support for a federal relief. Yet, this program couldn’t invert the collapse during the Great Depression. Because Hoover failed to recover the United States, social unrest and violence began to surface while the depression deepened. Unemployed workers, relief recipients, and unpaid schoolteachers piled up together and performed demonstrations to show their disappointment. Even though Hoover initiated some internal programs to help the recovery of economy, he was slow to respond to the depression. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff In 1932 Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff. It increased the tariffs by 50%. The increase of the tariff with 50% will make the imported goods more expensive and the people will buy the nation’s goods which led to the increase of demand.-But the countries of Europe reacted with the increase of their tariffs which decreased the exports of USA ~ 70%. The war of trade impacted further the prices of agricultural goods which decreased more and then more farmers bankrupted. The tariffs damaged not only American farmers, but they damaged the German unstable economy too. Germany started to pay the reparation to France and UK based on the Versailles Treaty. UK and France decreased the payments to loans that they had from the banks of USA which further weakened the banks in USA. War debts at the end of World War I All European nations had to pay over $10 billion ($115 billion in 2002 dollars) to USA. The economies of Europe had been destroyed from the war, therefore they hadn’t the money to pay back of. While USA requested the money back from former allies, this enforced the requests of European Countries to Germany to pay the reparations based on the Versailles Treaty, but Germany could not pay these reparations. This situation worsened the crisis since Europe could not buy goods from the USA. The decline of world trade helped to bring the great depression. FDR New Deal Following the Social Unrest of 1932, the people had blamed Hoover for failing to recover the States from the Great Depression. When Franklin D. Roosevelt came to power on March 1933, many thought that he was strived to end the Great Depression completely. During his campaigns, he promised to help the poor farmers, unemployed people, and also the elderly. Other than declaring a bank holiday, Roosevelt had created a new program for the economic recovery called the New Deal, which aimed to help the jobless, to recover the the economy, and prevent another depression. Here is a list of the New Deal programs and their purposes: The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) provided jobs for the unemployed from age 17 to 29. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) helped by paying the states so they could give money and clothing for the unemployed people. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) paid farmers to stop growing specified crops, such as cotton, grain, tobacco, and corn. The National Recovery Administration (NRA) regulated wages, price control, and economic conditions in the industry. The Public Works Administration (PWA) made possible the construction of ports, schools, and aircraft carriers. The Works Progress Administration (WPA) employed many unskilled people to do public work projects. In 1934, FDR launched the Second New Deal which was more concentrated on increasing purchases and public social security. The Second New Deal programs dealt with reforming and also recovery. Some of Second New Deal programs and their purposes are listed below: The Social Security Act, sought to help the old people by setting up a pension system. The act also gave the States money to aid dependent children and people with disabilities. The National Labor Act, created a National Labor Relations Board for protecting the organized labor rights. The second AAA, established in 1928(verify 1928 apo 1938), was established for agriculture recovery to pay farmers for conservation methods, but only if they limited the necessary crop production. U.S. Housing Authority Act, established in 1937 in order to construct better house buildings by demolishing ghettos. Eventually, the New Deal that FDR launched couldn’t end the Great Depression since many agricultural problems were left unsolved. It is still dubious at how the Deal programs helped ending the depression. The Deal did, however, restore hope that was missing in the United States during the depression and also eased the hardships of its economy even though by the end of 1930s the country’s economy was still bad. The major change of USA Economy happened after the event of Pearl Harbor which noted the entry of USA in World War II. The people and industry of USA were in the functionality of war. The war’s weapons were needed urgently All the people worked for the war, the men trained to in order to be soldiers while the women worked in fabrics. There were the urgent needs for the Food for inside country and overseas at the war front. The entrance of the USA in World War II finished the Great Depression in the USA B. Worldwide Impact The Depression was followed by a global collapse of the industrial economy in Europe and the U.S., which also brought political and economic tension on every society. Furthermore, the depression brought a sequence of difficulties in the West and economic flaws in the world.As we mentioned, the starting of Great Depression is typically linked to the Crash of the stock market on October 29, 1929. However, in some countries it started by early 1928. In the same way, while the ending of Great Depression is related with the entrance of the USA to World War II in 1941, in different countries it finished at different times. The USA’s economy was growing in the middle of 1938 while many countries around the world were hurt by the Great Depression, those industrialized and also those that exported raw materials. Effects of Great Depression worldwide United States Most people see that the Great Depression had its starting point in the United States in 1933, when more than 15 million Americans were unemployed and the economic production decreased by almost 50%. Canada The Depression also hit Canada very hard, with the unemployed labor force 30%. The unemployment rate was less than 12% at the starting of World War Two. Australia Australia was affected hard too. The salaries dropped and the unemployment was 32% by 1931 Europe After World War II, most European countries owned a lot of money to American banks but the loans were so high and they couldn’t pay them. Since the American government didn’t accept the debt, Europe started borrowing money to pay back. However, as the economy of USA started to slow down, the European countries founded in difficulty where to borrow money. Further the United States had the high tariffs. European countries couldn’t sell the products in markets of USA. These countries started to have the failure to pay the loans. After the crash of stock market banks stayed afloat. They recalled their loans. While the money ran out of Europe and returned to USA, the European economies started to go down separately. The farmers throughout faced the food overproduction and the low price. The production of food had increased in the reply to needs of war. Many farmers bought the new equipment borrowing heavily, believing that the good market will continue to be higher. But the increase of production in Europe and the high imports from USA caused the decrease of the price, which made the payment of the debts very hard. The farmers leaved the rural areas. The international trade of Europe with USA decreased significantly during the depression period mainly due to the establishment by U.S government of Smoot-Hawley Tariff Policy in 1930 which applied 50% tariff to imported goods. The U.S government formed this policy in order to help and protect the companies of USA by increasing the demand for domestic goods. But, the charging with a high tariff of the goods from imports dropped the trade between USA and other foreign countries, including Europe, so created unemployment out of the country while the factories closed up. Kinderberger (1986) shows that during 1933 international trade decreased by 33% compared to the trade in 1929. France Despite being affected by the World War I, France wasn’t affected that much compared to the other European countries during the Great Depression, since it wasn’t dependent in trade. By 1930s, the country was characterized by high unemployment and political anxiety. Germany After the First World War, Germany was angry for losing their territory and paying war debts, while America provided loans in order to rebuild German economy. But, these loans stopped during the Depression causing the rising of unemployment and the development of extremism in the political system. In 1921, Germany made the first compensation payment and one year later they claimed that they wouldn’t be able to manage paying any longer. The reasons because German people put their faith in Hitler were because of their humiliation, the enormous debt, and the economic crisis after World War I. Nazi Germany, which boasted the economy and reached full employment, kept low level of wages while not harmonizing the allocation of investments and constantly growing its dependence from military production. Poland During the Great Depression, Poland, the newly independent country, experienced a quick and deep recession. The economy grew in the 1920s by attracting foreign wealth and loans. Then in 1929, a financial crash made the capital flow reduce and eventually the prices of agricultural products fell. The severe results of the economic collapse were social, being accompanied with high unemployment and low wages of agricultural workers. The total production of industry in 1932 was ~40% less than in 1928. But, the economy of Poland had developed by 1934 and increased past 19% in 1937. Because of this, the Polish government wanted to acquire capital in private and launched a strategy called the â€Å"Polish Etatism†. The strategy permitted the polish government to take control of the saving banks, the operation of foreign exchange, cartels and foreign trade. Additionally it influenced a huge investment program in public labor and the private actions. One projectthat was a great achievem ent was the Central Industrial District development in 1936, which was concentrated on the military, transportation, agricultural, industrialization, and urbanization improvement. Romania In Romania, the sector that was hit very hard was the agricultural one where the government earnings fell because of the decline of the agriculture products exports. By 1932, the taxes fell and the government began to aid the poor by forcing their repayment’s delay. However, during the depression, the government needed with any cost the fiscal balance so it was hard for it to intervene in the economy. During the first years, there wasn’t any understandable plan with the goal to fight depression, but instead to fight the most important problems. Furthermore, Romania had a huge problem with the foreign debt. Since European states couldn’t take loan to deal with their debts, import limits were increased and in 1932 the control on exchange was established. The industry of Romania managed to recover during the 1930s, however the most of people were too poor to impact the increase of consumption and demands, and in addition the developments in foreign markets could not help since they became protectionists as effect of Depression. Greece During the inter-war period, in Greece was present a strong belief in favor of financial independence and nationwide autonomy. Derilis and Costis (2006) claimed that this ideology could have been changed into an actual policy in 1932. The economy was focused more internally and was led by the state, which was to some degree a reaction to the other nations’ activities that broadly presented controls on trade and fees. High taxes, determinable restrictions and the use of mutual clearing agreements were broadly utilized. The state involvement in economic issues increased throughout the 1930s. The guideline of Greek Economy was now the greater independence using the inside resources and less dependence from the international economy. This tendency was noticeable in both industry and agriculture (Aldcroft, 2006). Yugoslavia In reality Yugoslavia was not hit particularly hard by the crisis, though the peasants faced the worst, being unable to pay and calling for the government action to relieve them of their debts. The government reduced taxes for the farming communities and eliminated debts for about 600, 000 small farmers. The government`s response to the crisis was under heavy French influence. The government tried to balance the budget and National Bank started promoting deflationary monetary policy, and imposed exchange control in 1931. Soon the government recognized the error of its economic policy and in 1933 started to pursue more expansionary fiscal policy, which soon turned deflation into inflation. The government was also spending money on public works, and was actively trying to influence the commercial banks to lower their interest rates. Comparing the Great Depression and the Economic Crisis of 2008 There have been a lot of comments and misconceptions about the comparison of the Great Depression and the Great Credit Crisis of 2008. Both of them were originated in US and then spread out the world. The Trade, capital flow and policies on prices of commodities were the factors which spread worldwide the Great Depression. Depending from their specifics and the above factors, different countries faced different effects. For example, France was almost passive, whiles some other countries, such as Japan, was affected and used largely the monetary and fiscal policies during that period. On the contrary, the Great Credit Crises was global, started in US and with bigger influence in US. It impacted the global world economy with even worse effects in other countries exports, production and equity prices decline. But in the similar way with the measures taken during the Great Depression, different countries reacted in different ways. Some countries applied more aggressive monetary and fiscal policies; some other applied less aggressive ones. Summary The crash of the stock market on October 1929 wan not the cause of Great Depression. It was a symptom. It was followed by the bank closing crisis which reduced largely the money flow in the country, drop of demands and production and increase of unemployment as well. The major causes of the depression were the wrong policies established by the Federal Reserve, wrong ration of investments in production vs. the salaries, overproduction in industry and agriculture, and inequality of wealth distribution. Other factors such as the needs for the reconstruction of economy, the needs for renovation of old industry and railway rods, massive people migration and natural ecologic disasters influenced badly the economy during the Great depression. The measures taken by the President Hoover administration in order to ease the effects of depressions were late and not sufficient while most of them failed. President Roosevelt administration applied several measures as part of so called New Deal Programs, which were effective, helped for easing and avoiding the effects of Great Depression but did not end it. These measures returned back the hope and confidence of investors and consumers, and combined with the increased production which served the demands of WWII, created the foundation for the US economy recovery and then for a rapid development of it after the war. The great depression was not only a local USA crisis; it was global and widespread in world. The impact of it was different for each country depending from their domestic economy specifics and dependency from the world economy. In some aspects, the Great Depression worldwide effects and reaction to them, joined by the weakness and confusion in the outside foreign policies were one of the causes which pushed the world into WWII.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Comparison of Roman and American slavery Essay

Slavery is one of the most common entities between the Roman’s society and the Western society in the late 1800’s. Both civilizations have many differences and similarities between their views on slavery, treatments of the slaves, and economics of slavery. Such similarities include the imprisonment of slaves, the cruel treatments towards slaves, and the legal status of slaves as their owner’s property. However, despite the many differences, slavery between polar societies always has its differences. These differences include the rights of the slaves, the slave’s origins, and the payment of the slaves. Through the comparison of slavery present in Western society of the later 1800’s and Roman society, several astonishing similarities and differences become apparent, especially when considering the movie, â€Å"Sparticus†. The astonishing amount of similarities between the slavery in Roman society and the slavery in Western society show the great importance of slavery to one’s populace. In both society’s, the slave was the basic unit of society, for all of the agricultural market rested upon their shoulders. Just as cotton was the staple crop of the United States, wheat was the fundamental crop in Roman society, both of which are cultivated by slaves. In both societies, owning a multitude of slaves showed one’s social status, for if one owned numerous slaves, then they were considered wealthy. Additionally, the lower class looked down upon the slaves as lower individuals than themselves, treating them like animals through their constant beatings and tiresome work. This work that the slaves had to endure was similar in both societies, for they similarly had to work in the fields for long hours. A child born of a slave woman was a slave (the legal status of his father being irrelevant) and the property of the slave woman’s owner. Ultimately, the Roman and Western society’s views and actions upon slaves were the same in several ways, yet there will always be differences between the two. The differences between the Roman and Western treatment and thoughts about slavery seem to be even more immense than the similarities, but you must keep in mind that the two society’s thrived in completely different ages  with different circumstances. In Roman society, the slaves were all prisoners of war from various countries and races not just one race like the Western slavery. In United States, the slavery consisted of almost all Africa-American captives who didn’t have any interference with their society before they were beginning to be imprisoned. Another difference is the ability for the Roman slaves to rebel with a large force, while the American slaves only tried to run away. The Roman slaves created large slave armies, while the American slaves only created the secret underground railroad. Just as the Romans gather together large quantities of slaves to create an army, Sparticus similarly was one of Rome’s great heroes who shows the similarities and d ifferences between Roman and Western slavery. In the movie, â€Å"Sparticus†, there are several events which allow the viewer to compare Roman slavery to that of Western slavery. In the movie, the slaves were paid small sums of money for their efforts, as seen when they are able to buy the several fleets of ships. However, in Western slavery, the slaves were seldom paid, because they were considered property of their owner. Furthermore, Roman slaves were trained in specific arts and crafts, such as the slave who Sparticus met that was a singer and magician. In Western society, on the other hand, the slaves mostly just cooked the meals and worked in the fields. However, the similarity between the two society’s includes the abuse felt by the slaves. In the movie, Sparticus was constantly hit with the wooden paddle and made to fight as a gladiator, just as the American slaves were whipped and hung by their white masters. The movie, â€Å"Sparticus†, is an excellent example of the treatment and views of slavery in Roman society, all of which can be compared and contrasted to American slavery. There are several similarities and differences between the slavery present in Roman society and Western society. Just some of the similarities include the society’s views on slavery, the treatments of the slaves, and economics of slavery. Several more differences arise, on the other hand, because of the vast time and cultural differences between these two civilizations. These differences include the rights of the slaves, the slave’s origins, and the payment of the slaves. Through the comparison of slavery present in Roman  society and American society, several intriguing similarities and differences become apparent, especially when considering the movie, â€Å"Sparticus†.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Automated Daily Time Record

In compliance with the Civil Service Commission’s (CSC) rules on personnel management, each agency shall require a daily record of attendance of officers and employees including those serving in the field or on the water; to be kept on the proper form, and whenever possible, registered on the bundy clock (KMD,Solution Fit for e-DTR. 2008. Online November 24, 2013. http://ilocos. net. ph/DTRMANUAL/eDTR%20MANUAL%20basic. pdf). It is important to remember that the time record is a legal document that provides the basis for payment of salary and accrual of leave credits.The time record must contain a certification statement attesting to the accuracy of the record, which must be signed by the employee. The time record must also be certified by the supervisor. The record of attendance must show actual hours worked.This includes all hours worked beyond the basic workweek for both overtime eligible and overtime ineligible employees. Since supervisors are required to certify the actual hours worked by both overtime eligible and overtime ineligible employees, supervisors must monitor the actual hours worked by these employees.Supervisors should ensure that procedures and expectations with respect to additional hours of work have been clearly communicated to employees (John Currier. 2000. Online. 2013 from http://www. brockport. edu/~shra/pef_attend. htm. ).Automated Employee Attendance Daily time record system is a computerized medium of gathering data, this is the time taken to achieve a given daily objective or task. The time will vary with a given task and can range from house related tasks to work related task.It is the method of logging and organizing time information. (http://www. technologyevaluation. com/search/for/data-flow-diagram-of-daily-time-record-system. html). It can be used for work projects, bus schedules, and airplane schedules or at school schedules.Computerized Daily Time Record completely replaces manual time card machines or your hand writte n time and attendance records. It is a computer based time clock and time keeping solutions that record and monitor employees’ log-in/log-out times by means of computer system.According to www. system. webcrawler. com there are several positive factors that DTRS can give, it will give an accurate time control management to the employee, and it can give accurate time computation, decreases the paper works and other equipment expenses.AEADTR plays major rule in the payroll system, thus, it gives computerized and ready to use data instantly. DTRS can make payroll processing easy and it may lead to accurate recording of payroll information.This Automated Employee Attendance Daily Time Record focuses on the need to design a system that will automatically arrange the record and calculate the average attendance of each employee. A well-conceived and implemented automated employee record system can reduce the costs of handling the paperwork associated with record keeping.Manual atten dance record system is not efficient and requires time to arrange record and to calculate the average attendance of each individual employee. Automated employee Attendance Daily Time Record is intended to replace the manual model of attendance record keeping.Merry Child School is using ball pen or log book to record its attendance this system need a computer and the employee will record his/her attendance with a password and the system will arrange the record and calculate the average attendance of the employee.By the programmed database, it will provide job details to the human resources department as the salary period comes. With this programmed database, the accumulation of employee information will be possible and at the same time helps managers to employ simple approach to inspect the employee information for verification of truth.This programmed database will allow the supervisor to establish timetable for each employee including recess times, holidays and whether overtime is needed. Daily Time Software is used by many organizations to assist hold course of employee hours for payroll purposes.Daily Time Software tracks employee time information in a database that helps managers to have simple entry to employee data and to analyze the data for accuracy. The Daily Time Clock packages provide scheduled administration. Daily Time Software innovative structure features fundamental coverage and connections to payroll systems.At the conclusion of the salary time, each employee's hours are automatically reported to the human resources department, reducing paperwork and eliminating errors. Arrival and exit times using a computer time clock. To log in/log away, employees take unusual identifiers, such as cards with magnetic stripe or barcodes, biometric input devices that stop fingerprints or handprints, and iris scanners that are not widely distributed because of privacy concerns. Daily Time Software completely replaces manual time card machines or your hand writ ten time and attendance records.Daily Time Software eliminates the need for you to spend more hours each week compiling your manual Bundy systems into a report to supply to your payroll department. Daily Time Software saves hours of generating automated payroll reports for your employees by simply, printing out the reports and write the checks.Daily Time Software supports weekly. You can put together a real workforce solution through Daily Time Software ( beverly82, august 2011. Online. http://www. studymode. com/essays/Automated-Daily-Time-System-Literature-756653.html. ) It records and provides real time and updated Merry Child School employee time-ins and outs, pass slips (personal or official), leave credits, overtimes and even deviances. The office policies (internal and external) were used as the basis of the automated computations and as the guideline for the implementation of the system. This system attempts to lessen the time spent of the Personnel Unit in manually computin g the leave credits and overtimes; thus making the maintenance of the records of the staffs of MCS easier.It also records the number of hours spent by an employee whenever he/she gets out of the office by virtue of the pass slip or request for a vehicle. Employee’s violations such as tardiness and under-times are likewise recorded. With the automation of the processes, the Personnel Unit are has more time to work on their other deliverables, thus improve their productivity.The proposed system contains attendance record in electronic files containing details of absence or presence of a specific employee registration during a semester. Attendance records have been collected on paper forms and verified with hand written signatures.However, the increasing demand for automated employee attendance daily time record should be implemented as soon as possible in order to reduce the costs of handling the paper works with record keeping. (2013, 11. Daily Time Record. StudyMode. com. Ret rieved 11, 2013, from http://www. studymode. com/essays/Daily-Time-Record-1831449. html .This proposed system described in this document should be implemented also in different school and all automated systems must follow the standard procedures. This study will try to organize the current school attendance record system that will be much quicker and will save time.Statement of the ProblemThe proposed â€Å"Automated Employee Attendance daily time record† to the Merry Child School seeks to develop their current system and provides answers to the following problems specifically on payroll processing such as the security issues, inaccurate calculation of working time, total late, total absences, and under time.Manual process can lead to poor service and delayed payroll creation. Damage or loss of the manual process may lead to inaccurate file restoration and it’ll affect the momentum of payroll creation and both the employer and the employee will suffer.ObjectivesThe sol e purpose of this study is to provide quality and genuine service involving the employee’s personal information to create a system that is called the Automated Employee Attendance Daily Time record. It may solve related issues according to the data gathered from the school.This system is designed to create an automated DTR or so called the AEADTR system that will ensure the employee to receive a total security of its data, proper monitoring of reports in each employee, and for rating and prompting the employee for their overall remarks according to their record.It also provides a user friendly environment that would ensure both quality and easy manipulation. This system is developed to provide accurate and safe computation of data being gathered through each employee of Merry Child School, to provide proper time management to the administration, to lessen the expenses of the institution and to properly monitor the attendance of the employees. This is to evaluate if the system has provided the administrator the needs and fill up the missing piece of their business.Scope and LimitationsThe scope of the study focuses on attendance processing that will provide management of the daily time record, computation of total duty hour, absences, overtime and late. The output data of this system will be used as reference in creating a payroll. In addition, the system will provide total security of data, monitoring of the employees reports, and evaluating each employee based on the data shown in their records. For the security, the system is equipped with unique barcode scanning that will scan each identification card of the employee containing the barcode and safely store it to the database that can be used for future references.For monitoring, the system will automatically generate a prompt to the employee if the employee has a good attendance standing. This will allow the admin to instantly monitor each one of the institutions constituents.Significance of the stud yThis system could contribute to the better and brighter way of processing the Daily time record by providing accurate and stable data gathering through its secure and precise processes. Accounting department could benefit this system because of its fast and accurate process and will result to reducing their discomfort of preparing employee salary.Also this system provides reports to each employee that could help the administrator identify which of them acquire excellent or poor status. The administrator can prepare the salary fast with its pay Slip ready through the help of both DTR system and Payroll system working together and this could benefit the employer and the employee. This study will also benefit the next generation of students that will take the degree of any computer studies courses in Capitol University. If approved, then, this will serve as their reference for future research.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

No Range Of The Third Era Tucson Hybrid Utility Vehicle

No range of the third-era Tucson hybrid utility vehicle was left untouched by Hyundai engineers, yet specific consideration was set on re-designing the undercarriage for enhanced ride and taking care of, and essentially, better NVH (clamor, vibration, and brutality) attributes. As anyone might expect, the 2016 Tucson stage is bigger than the past generation s; notwithstanding, builds centered around enhancing width and wheelbase for more noteworthy ride solace and straight strength, as per Mike O Brien, Vice President, Corporate and Product Planning, Hyundai Motor America (HMA). We have a full lineup of CUVs, so having the greatest one in the portion is not the best since individuals that up front investment this range of the business sector concentrate more on mobility and stopping, O Brien said. So all things being equal we centered around getting the best width that we could, at 72.8 in, furthermore the best wheelbase at 105.1 in, which gives a feeling of strength. Contrasted with the 2015 model, the new Tucson is 1.1 in (27.9 mm) more extensive, with a 1.2-in (30.5-mm) increment in wheelbase. The front and back shades were expanded in littler extent, focusing a greater amount of the Tucson s mass inside the wheelbase for better taking care of reaction and control. The CUV is 3 in (76 mm) longer by and large than the active model, at 176.2 in (4475 mm). To empower the suspension refinements to be more compelling, Hyundai engineers concentrated onShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagespoints both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the lateRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words   |  534 Pagesrelevant to strategy-based human resource investment decisions. Factors to be discussed include the organization’s managerial values, risk and return trade-offs, the economic rationale for investments in training, the investment analysis approach of utility theory, and outsourcing as an alternative to investments in human resources. Following the discussion of these factors, specific investments in strategy-related training and development will be considered. This discussion will include investmentsRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 PagesSupport Software 37 38 41 The Operating System Language Translators 41 43 v vi Contents Third Generation Languages 43 Fourth Generation Languages Markup Languages 46 48 Object-Oriented Programming 49 Languages for Developing Web Applications Database Management Systems CASE Tools 51 52 54 Communications Interface Software Utility Programs 54 54 The Changing Nature of Software 55 The Information Technology Industry 55 Review QuestionsRead MoreQuality Improvement328284 Words   |  1314 Pagesquality problems when they are used as the components of a more complex assembly. An automobile consists of several thousand parts. If each one is just slightly too big or too small, many of the components will not fit together properly, and the vehicle (or its major subsystems) may not perform as the designer intended. We see from the foregoing discussion that quality is indeed a multifaceted entity. Consequently, a simple answer to questions such as â€Å"What is quality?† or â€Å"What is quality improvementRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesAffect Organizational Practices? 30 Point/Counterpoint Lost in Translation? 31 Questions for Review 32 Experiential Exercise Workforce Diversity 32 Ethical Dilemma Jekyll and Hyde 33 Case Incident 1 â€Å"Lessons for ‘Undercover’ Bosses† 34 Case Incident 2 Era of the Disposable Worker? 35 vii viii CONTENTS 2 2 The Individual Diversity in Organizations 39 Diversity 40 Demographic Characteristics of the U.S. Workforce 41 †¢ Levels of Diversity 42 †¢ Discrimination 42 Biographical Characteristics